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The Annual Membership package allows members full access to the entire site!  Members can post their questions and concerns in the forums where all Support Coaches will respond. This membership level excludes private messages to Support Coaches. If you would like to have 1-1 support consultations with a specific Support Coach, please consider one of the private Coaching packages.  NOTE: This membership automatically renews annually but members can opt out of the renewal upon sign-up. The fee is $49.00 upon sign-up and renews annually at $49.00 and can be cancelled at any time.  Members can upgrade to a 1-1 Support Coach membership after joining by clicking on the Store tab in the main menu. 

$129 for first year
$49/year renewal

Would you like to have Coach Kelsey guide you on your recovery journey? Then sign up for one to one support! This membership level entitles the user to all the same benefits as the Basic Annual Membership as well as 6 private email consultations with Coach Kelsey where she will answer your questions and concerns.   Click here for more information.  NOTE: This membership automatically renews annually but members can opt out of the renewal upon sign-up. The fee is $129.00 upon sign-up and renews annually at only $49.00 and can be cancelled at any time. Read Kelsey's Success Story  

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