What are the benefits of joining the VIP Support Group? Here are just a few reasons to join!
1. It is a much smaller group that moves at a much slower pace and members do not get lost in the crowd or receive inaccurate information from people who are not well versed in this protocol! In the VIP group, your questions will be answered by our qualified staff and all information is protocol compliant. We follow you on your journey and help guide you as you progress through recovery. We answer all questions and take the time to understand your situation and help you make sense of what you are seeing! This service is invaluable!2. You can keep a private daily journal of your recovery here! A daily journal was invaluable to me during my daughter's recovery and really allowed me to see the ebb and flow of this recovery. You can also access portions of my daughter's personal recovery journal to see what recovery looked like for us in the early days.3. We have different forums that allow you to hang out in the areas you are interested in and the forums also keep the site organized which enables members to easily access the information they need.4. WE GIVE YOU STUFF! We hold regular contests where people can win gift cards, supplements and other Protocol related swag!5. The EXCLUSIVE content! We have amazing charts and files for you to download that take the guesswork OUT of recovery! We have done the math on 12 different fish oils and at just a glance you can know what dose your child needs to be on!6. Make FRIENDS! We have an off topic forum where we get to know each other outside of this protocol and we are all creating some amazing connections with each other!7. The FILES!! Our files are loaded with amazing content and members can access The Nemechek Protocol User Manual which is a guide to be used in conjunction with his book and the files in our Support Group. This User Guide is full of tips and tricks, links to buy the required products and valuable information that is not available elsewhere. Members can also access content like our VIP videos and files that give you the tools to approach your Dr. about prescribing Rifaximin!8. We have Clubs! Join all the clubs you want! Connect with other parents of non-verbal kids, a weight loss club and my personal favorite a Feeding Therapy club run by my daughter’s highly qualified feeding therapist! She answers all your feeding issues and she is exceptionally knowledgeable!9. You can get a discount on your supplements! You can shop with our affiliate link and save money! This membership pays for itself in savings!If you want to take the guesswork out of recovery, win some prizes, save money and connect with others who are using The Nemechek Protocol then simply follow this link: https://www.npvipsupportgroup.com/subscriptions/?register=1